

General information

As a marketeer/graphic designer/web developer I am searching for projects in order to enhance my current skills and challenge myself.  The fields I am familiar with are: social media, consumer behaviour, marketing & sales background ( different kinds of customers and markets for instance: B2B, B2C, unsought goods, luxury goods, innovative products).

With regard to the project it does not matter if it is about improvement or creating something new. The price and time depends entirely on the customer desires and needs. For this reason an intake is free. If you want more information just check out my LinkedIn.


I offer an exclusive package of marketing, art & design and internet site skills.The benefits of what I can offer:

  • Excellent marketing, design & building internet sites knowledge & professional experience
  • Result driven -> (no cure=no pay) the price is based on the desired result
  • No limitation with regard to the task
  • Excellent English, Polish & Dutch
  • Price meets task
  • Customization
  • Co-creation
”We are all short of time, so being unique & to the point is the key to reach your audience”

Why to combine marketing & Consumer behaviour with Design?

In my opinion combining marketing & consumer behaviour with design gives the best results, because without design it would be not viable. That is to say marketing & consumer behaviour creates the conditions for bringing the message efficiently across.

Especially, in this time it is essential, due to the overload of content and a fast paced society. As a consequence, advertisements are often ignored/blocked or misunderstood. When you know your consumer ( needs, desires, lifestyle etc.) you will be able to apply the right tactic to capture and hold the attention of the receiver. This will eventually lead to the right design choice which will be quite unique and interesting!

Interested? Questions?
Please feel free to contact me!