As a graphic designer I have been tasked with creating Electronic Presskits abbreviated EPK. EPKs are basically promotional materials that showcase a brand and tell the stakeholder more what the company and brand entails. As result, it is an ideal tool to pitch an idea or a brand to a stakeholder in a quite visual way.
In order to make sure, the brand identity is incorpated, each EPK I have developped is different than the other one. Next to it each artwork I have created aligns with the style of the brand as well as the story they would like to tell the stakeholder. The Puresonic Outcasts EPK has for example a lot of pictures from their live concerts as the main goal was to showcase the live element whereas for Yoth Iria it was more about displaying what the band is all about.
Have a look below and if you fancy one, please get in touch with me. Starting price 35,- euro.