D Metal Galaxy – internet sites


Being the co-founder of D Metal Galaxy and running the Facebook group for one year, had given me a very good idea what the keypoints would be for the website. The key points were:

  1. The website goal is to give our fanbase a possibility to join the memento of the spark and connection that we have established in the group? -> how are we going to express this on the website?
  2. D Metal Galaxy has already an established social media present -> how are we going to follow up on this with the website?
  3. D Metal Galaxy has an international presents -> in what way can we make the transaction process seamless with little costs as possible?
  4. WooCommerce does not send automatically order/shipping notifications -> in what way are customers going to be notified?


To fulfill these key points the following user experience choices have been made.

  1. To give a personal touch I have started off with a homepage that gives information and all neccessary links to our ”Stay Safe and Listen to Metal Program”. Below this text, the products have been displayed. Whenever one clicks on the product more information is displayed and in order to fit above personal note has been written why the T-shirt have been developped. Also, the menu is kept short in order not be too business wise or to formal.
  2. In order to spark familiarity the CSS code was heavily adjusted. The colours black and white were used as this is the base of our artwork. For the links the colour red was used as it is used in our artwork as well, but it fits also perfectly with the ”metal genre”. However, from a designer perspective these colours were not suitable for the ”review” as in my opinion red is associated with a negative mark, for this reason I made an exception to the colour rules and opted for the colour green, so it has a friendly appearance.
  3. The website has been integrated with Stripe as it offers a lot of payment methods and it has reasonable transaction fees. However it didn’t come without any obstacles. Apperantly, some payment methods are locally based and could be not be integrated such as WeChat. Nonethless, everything has been tested through and most local payments methods like IDEAL (Netherlands) are working perfectly fine.
  4. MailChimp has been chosen for this task as it gives the possibility to adjust the layout and spark familiarity. A TLS connection has been configured as there were no financial grounds to invest heavily in Google Workspace as merchandise is not our core business. Also, remarketing has been setup with MailChimp as from a fanbase perspective it seems highly likely the product will be checked out as people are interested about information on their favourite bands. But does not necessarily mean they will buy it. Sending them a reminder that they have seen our product is a great way to let the customer recall the products he/she has seen.

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