Gloryhammer Review

This time I am writing about one of the hottest bands in the Galactic Space – Gloryhammer. Recently, they replaced the crown prince of Dundee and kicked off their next galactic chapter with “Fly Away”. All reasons to catch them in Dublin and see for myself if Michael Sozos is worthy successor of the crown and to get a taste of this new galactic chapter.


The support on the night were Aoin and Brothers of Metal which I will review first.


The opener of the night was Arion, a traditional heavy metal. Despite being the heaviest band of the night they were a great add on. As the heavier tunes warmed the audience up. They greatly fitted with their jokes and interaction with the other bands of the night. Later on they showed up during Brothers of Metal pranking them with flags of their own country and during Gloryhammer they played the role of a goblin and other figures from galactic space. This added an extra fun factor for the night.


Brothers of Metal

I was very curious how the second support act would turn out. With Guiness, 20 Budweiser pre-show and pranking Arion during their set being topless one can only wonder how their show will be.


The band made quite an entrance with 7 men and 1 female entering the stage starting with some great riffs and folkish tunes. With weird poses and dances they greatly set the mood. Apart from being jokester the band had quite a lot of musical talent. Brothers of Metal had 3 vocalists (2 male and 1 female) each had their own singing style making the music diverse. Also, the music had a great folkish tune making it easy to dance along.


If it could not get any weirder, the band performed their song “Mead” which led to drinking on stage and the vocalist was giving his band members a taste of the booze from his flask. Next to this, the band was dancing around the whole stage in a weird way.



It was my second time seeing Gloryhammer and I must say it was quite a bit different. However, the start was as usual, they put a cardboard of Tom Jones up and the song Delilah was played. Also, the set had a lot of classics like “Hootsforce”, “Universe on Fire”, “Masters of the Galaxy” making it a homecoming concert, despite the new singer. The very reason for this is Michael Sozos charisma and vocability. According to me his voice is as melodic as the previous singer Angus or maybe a bit more. As a result, each song was sung the way it was meant to be. This spark of recognition caused everyone to chant along with the classics.

Angus v.s. Michael

From a charisma point of view I have a slight preference on Michael. Like Angus, he was wielding a hammer fighting off goblins, telling us tales or just interacting with the crowd. But the one thing that made Michael stand out was his interactiveness. He had so much passion and energy to give. There wasn’t really a moment he was standing still. He just ran around from one corner to another, making equal eye contact with everyone in the audience. On top of this, Michael had a great way of bringing the songs alive with gestures and encouraging the audience to interact and sing along.


Next to Michael, James Cartwright and Christopher Bowes hugely contributed in making the night unforgettable. They both told interesting tales and made funny jokes at the same time when Michael was just having a small break.

The new Galatic Chapter

Despite this, their new galactic chapter Gloryhammer did only sing Fly Away which was already released. This was a bit of disappointment as it just set off a cliffhanger, however with only classics that night a sort of familiarity was created. Those who were a bit lost with the new chapter like me got sucked back into Gloryhammer. As Michael Sozes proved this very night that he is ready for taking up the mantle of being the crown Prince of Dundee. In a short period of time he learned all the classics. Each song was sung in the correct way and brought alive with the correct portion of charisma.


The night was quite hilarious, every band had their own sense of humor and pranks where they stood out. There hasn’t been any gig that made me cry like this one did. Brothers of Metal contributed to this hugely as their whole set was so funny. Also, Aoin contributed to the great atmosphere by warming the audience up with great jokes. Gloryhammer was as always a great craic.


On a serious note now, let’s give a final answer on review: “Is Michael Sozos a worthy successor of the crown and get a taste of this new galactic chapter”? What I have seen that night I would definitely say, 100%! Michael has a great melodic voice equal or even slightly better than Angus. And Michael knows perfectly well how to wield the hammer, fight off Goblins and interact with the mighty warriors of the Galactic. On the basis of this concert I am very curious and intrigued with Gloryhammer next chapter, because Michael Sozos has so much potential as a frontman and singer.